Downtown Makeover linked a while back to a NNBW article stating that the Woolworth’s building in downtown Reno is slated to undergo some changes – ripping off a bunch of bad facade to bring it up to more modern standards, and to make the building marketable for retail and other uses.
It’s about time! Recently a commenter over there mentioned having seen people already working on the building.
A tiny amount of digging around on the internet found the Collier’s page about the building. If you look at the flyer for the project, you can even get a look at what the building will look like at night empty and lit up.
Woolworth’s Building after Renovation – Reno, NV source: Colliers Int’l
One thing I need to know - why are they leaving those silly blocks on the windows of the upper floors. This building would look a lot better - do a lot to modernize the downtown skyline - if it had big windows all the way up the building.
Posted by: urbanblog | October 24, 2009 at 12:11 PM