Newgeography: The Luxury City vs. the Middle Class If you think you noticed this during the boom times, you were most likely not mistaken. In many cities in the US, the city is reserved as the exclusive province of the unattached - those with no children or grown children - who would merely consume the fabulous bounty of consumable goods and services the city would provide. As middle class families leave cities behind, only the poor and the affluent remain. Euroburbia: A Personal View Europe has sprawling suburbs too, despite what romantic urbanists may wish to believe. Social stratification is alive and well for many of the same reasons it is alive and well in America.
LVRJ EDITORIAL: It 'doesn't look that bad' If someone tags your building, and you like their work, is it still graffiti? Should the city come after you if you leave it up?
Urban Planning Blog: The city is not a problem. It is a solution. UPB posts a stream of a talk by Jamie Lemer, former mayor of the fabled city of Curitiba, Brazil. Lemer more or less invented bus rapid transit, and used waste management as a means to bolster his city's economy during its modern development.