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December 12, 2006


Mike Van H

That's awesome dude! I wish you were down here to propose stuff like that to developers or planning commission staff.
Today's the big day for the Mizpah decision.
I think that the Waterfront is dead. I hear so many things from so many sources it's confusing. I heard from one source who is close to one of the partners involved tell me the developers got pissed at the city. I have a city council member confirming what I have heard from other people, that design costs have skyrocketed. But then I had a different source tell me he talked to a construction forman at the site who said they are leaving it as is for the winter, and starting construction in the spring, and that they stopped construction on the model only temporarily until they begin ground work again in the spring. So who knows anymore LOL, I give up.
Anyway, I hope the developers end up doing something like your concept, if they can't afford to build a 36-story tower anymore.


Thanks, glad you like the plan.

You know, one thing about the internet is that I've just proposed this to any developer with eyes and a net connection; any planning commissioner with a net connection. I should probably send out a couple emails referring to this plan, it seems especially poignant now.

As for Waterfront, Wingfied, et al, I ain't holdin' my breath on any of it. When you've watched Reno as long as I have you know that ideas are fleeting and depend on the whims of people who don't always have the best interest of the community in mind when they want to do something.

That's why I say go small, go realistic, go with a business model that is hedged against things like housing collapses, provide something people need, not just another trophy for a world-reknowned architect.

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